
Friday, January 14, 2011

Fit for a Poet’s Finest Thought ~ Clouds…

(The YouTube video below by the son
of a dear friend
inspires this posting.
Thank you dear friend and son!)

Low-anchored cloud,
Newfoundland air,
Fountain-head and source of rivers,
Dew-cloth, dream-drapery,
And napkin spread by fays;
Drifting meadow of the air,
Where bloom the daisied banks and violets…
Henry David Thoreau

(Be sure to click on the large circular button on my playlist at the bottom of this webpage to turn off
my blog’s music before watching & listening to this beautiful time-lapse video!)

...frail white lambskins
on blue meadows
sky and earth...
Ursulla Gressmann

Caught by Cassandra on the Ashley River near Charleston, SC
White sheep, white sheep,
On a blue hill,
When the wind stops
You all stand still
When the wind blows
You walk away slow.
White sheep, white sheep,
Where do you go?
Christina Rossetti

Bring the red cloud from the sun
While he sinketh, catch it.
That shall be a couch,---with one
Sidelong star to watch it,---
Fit for poet's finest Thought,
At the curfew-sounding…
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Caught by Cassandra at dusk in Grand Cayman
cloud heart Pictures, Images and Photos


  1. The sky and its changing scenes is forever fascinating. It appears on my blog often.
    Nice film, nice poems!

  2. Those are beautiful pictures as is the You Tube video! I love the heart!
