
Monday, October 25, 2010

The Word

(All photos taken by Cassandra last week at her upstate New York farm)

The Word
by Richard Realf (1832-1878)

“O earth! Thou hast not any wind that blows
Which is not music; every week of thine
Pressed rightly flows in aromatic wine;
And every humble hedgerow flower that grows,
And every little brown bird that doth sing,
Hath something greater than itself, and bears
A living word to every living thing,
Albeit it holds the message unaware,
All shapes and sound have something which is not
Of them: a Spirit broods amid the grass;
Vague outlines of the Everlasting Thought
Lie in the melting shadows as they pass;
The touch of an Eternal Presence thrills
The fringes of the sunsets and the hills.”


  1. So beautiful Cassandra - words and images. Thank you for reminding me of this poem, I have delighted in reading it aloud.

    What better place to enjoy the autumn season than at your farm - the countryside looks beautiful.


  2. That pictures are amazing !!! lovely post.....come and join my give away !! Ria.....
